
The Emotional Needs of Dogs with Mobility Issues

Dogs are your loyal pals, ready to keep you company and bring a few laughs into our lives. But taking care of disabled dogs can be a lot of work. They’re worth it, of course, but sometimes they need a bit more than regular visits to the vet. Disabled dogs may have emotional issues because they can’t move like they used to. You can help them cope if you know what’s going on with them.

The first thing your best buddy might need is affection. They like to feel the love, even if they’re big galloops. Dogs are sociable, they like to party and get chummy with their humans. Even if they are unable to move around as freely as they once could, they still crave attention and affection. It is essential to show your dog that they are still loved and valued by spending quality time with them, cuddling with them, and speaking to them in a soothing and reassuring tone.

The second thing disabled dogs need is to feel safe. Being unable to move can make them feel exposed and antsy, so you should keep them in a secure environment. You can make some changes to your house to help them get around without getting hurt, in or out of a dog wheelchair. Ramps and non-slip mats are a good start.

Thirdly, give them something to do. While lying around all day doing nothing might sound like heaven to you, dogs always need to be up and doing. Give them something like doggy puzzles to get their mental juices flowing. Play fetch with dogs in wheelchairs, even if you have to do it gentle-like. Some dogs are trainable, so teach them to fetch the paper or scare off porch thieves.

Keep in mind that many dogs are almost human, and that means they can get depressed an anxious. A dog with mobility issues might also have emotional ones, so pay attention. It’s the least you can do for your fur baby!