
Mini Tummy Tuck scar

A slight tummy tuck is often performed on the incision line at the pubic area. The typical belly button incision is sometimes unneeded since the tiny tucking operation tackles extra skin below the belly button. The critical element affecting the amount of surgical excision scarring is skin tension.


A good stomach tuck treatment needs the proper positioning of the umbilicus and careful contouring. The umbilicator is a novel approach for achieving the optimum belly button for a tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck scar you love.


A tiny stainless steel stone serves as the umbilicator. The umbilicator is linked to the umbilical stock before redraping the abdominal skin. After redraping the skin, the surgeon can accurately detect the umbilicus by feeling across the abdominal skin for the umbilicator.


The neo-umbilicus is found with a simple incision, and the umbilicator’s characteristics allow it to be readily removed. To finish the neo-umbilicus, the umbilical stalk can be sewed to the surrounding skin, preventing any difficulties or potential errors.


Patients have often been blown away by the success of establishing the ideal belly button for a tummy tuck. Not only is the stomach tuck treatment extremely successful, but correctly positioning the neo-umbilicus results in a pleasant abdominal aesthetic.


There is considerably less stress with a little tummy tuck scar since the extra skin is limited to the remote location below the belly button. Dr. Mowlavi also employs layered closure to relieve stress from the skin layer. This is accomplished by shutting the muscle layer and closing the skin layer.

After Surgery Care of Mini Tummy Tuck Scar

Post-operative care also helps patients retain the optimal abdominal shape after any micro tummy tuck treatment. After surgery, keeping the incision line clean and dry is critical.


Topical silicone gel therapy of your incisions will be advised as early as one month after surgery. This gel will be put to your incision line(s) during the second month after recovery.


If Dr. Mowlavi believes your incision line is too red, he will propose a series of IPL laser treatments. If your incision lines are elevated, Dr. Mowlavi will offer steroid injections at 6-week intervals until the lines are flat.


Please take note of the smooth abdominal contours of the mini tummy tuck scar patients shown below. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Mowlavi now!

One month after her minor belly tuck, this 53-year-old female narrowed her torso and enhanced her clothing figure. This patient shows an increase from 6 to 8 points. Additional VASER liposuction is required to increase her score to 9-10.